• Some Blog Changes

    This blog has been neglected for some time, to the extent where it’s been pretty much broken for the last few months. This weekend, I had some hours to spare, so I set about fixing it.

    My main issue with my blog is that I hate Wordpress. It’s bloated and complicated for my usage, and I don’t like PHP very much. So I decided to change blogging platform.

    I was browsing around for some inspiration, and came across Jekyll. I saw that my learned friend Alex Rozanski uses Jekyll, and he is hipster and clever (and his blog is far more worthy of a read than mine), so I decided to give it a go.

    Headline: it’s way better for my use case than Wordpress.

    It’s very lightweight, it’s quick to make changes, and I get to use Ruby instead of PHP. Having used it for a couple...

    Tags: admin  blog 

  • The Story So Far

    As promised in the previous post, I'm going to give some details of what was achieved in terms of the development of the prediction system last year. The detail level here won't be too painful, but hopefully it will give you a taster of what the system is currently comprised of.

    High Level Overview

    High Level Overview

    The diagram above shows the whole system in diagrammatic form, taken from my university project final report (as are all of the other images in this post) There are a number of data processing scripts that gather in all the different metrics and information needed for both the model and the transfer system. Once the data has been gathered and stored (which happens after each set of games), it can be used by the model to formulate predictions about the performance of a player in future matches. After the model has updated its predictions for the...

    Tags: fantasy football  system design  overview 

  • Work to do

    This blog hasn't exactly been well used since its creation a couple of years ago, and it certainly isn't well read. However, from now on I'll be using this blog as somewhat of a personal record of my progress towards my aim of completing a fully fledged Fantasy Football prediction system.

    This original idea behind this system was thought up a couple of years ago, when I decided that my fairly basic spreadsheet wasn't really cutting the mustard. After playing around with a few basic ideas, I decided to apply to create the system as part of my university final year project. This allowed me to devote a large amount of time to the system, which was not only really fun, but allowed me to get a big chunk of marks towards my degree.

    I could never call the project a success. A better description would be a promising start,...

    Tags: fantasy football  programming  system design  data scraping  planning 

  • My Electric Toothbrush is Great

    I've always found brushing my teeth to be an extremely loathsome task. Ever since I was a small child, I struggled to find the motivation to stand there for multiple minutes, frantically scrubbing away at a part of my body that I quite frankly care very little about. In spite of this, I'm very lucky in the fact that I have never had a cavity or needing a filling - the dentist just always tells me to "brush more thoroughly".  I think this astonishingly clean (possibly a poor choice of word there) record - or perhaps the amount my dentist annoyed me - demotivated me even further.

    However, this all changed this last Christmas day, when my wonderful father bestowed upon me the greatest of gifts: an electric toothbrush. To be honest, it was on offer at the dentists, so he bought one for every member of his family, but I appreciated it none-the-less. Here it (she?...
