• Using ANTLRv3 with C/C++


    Recently I had to build a parser and lexer as part of a compilers group project in college. Out group had read around a bit, and decided we would use ANTLR for our project. We also wanted to write our compiler in C++. However, although the documentation for using ANTLR with C was fairly decent, concrete examples of using ANTLR with C or C++ are few and far between. Hopefully this short guide will help you do what we found very difficult - taking the first steps towards creating a powerful lexer and parser using ANTLR in C++.

    A few notes before we get into the actual code:

    • This example will use ANTLRv3.2. Although this is not the latest version, it works very well with the C target and tools like ANTLRWorks and the ANTLR Eclipse plugin. Some functions and keywords...

    Tags: antlr3  c++  antlrv3.2 

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    Hey, I'm Owen and this is my blog.

    I'm not planning on posting too regularly, but whenever I come up with anything that I think will interest people or that I spontaneously feel like sharing with the world then I'll be sure to put it on here.

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