Pages tagged "commute"
Commute Analysis - Part 1: Data Collection
I really like statistics.
I especially like collecting data about myself. Whether it be running, drinking, diet, sleeping or drinking again, I like to know details about my progress, and goals I have, and how I might be best suited to going about achieving those goals. I crave knowledge about myself and I enjoy comparing myself to others to motivate myself to improve (especially important when drinking – one can never try enough different types of booze).
Those of you who care about my life may already know that I recently moved away from Bath, where I work, to live with my girlfriend. I now live in a medium sized town called Amesbury, in Wiltshire. Amesbury is a lovely place, and I couldn’t be happier with how the move has gone, but there is one obvious downside – I’ve traded my two minute walk to...